Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Donor Darah 2010 ( Harmoni Cinta ) MRC IM TELKOM

Hari Selasa, tanggal 30 November 2010 MRC IM TELKOM mengadakan acara Donor Darah dengan tema "Harmoni Cinta Satu Tetes, Satu Jiwa mari berbagi mari memberi" ....
terima kasih atas partisipasi dari dosen maupun rekan - rekan mahasiswa... 

foto2 panitia nih...

waktu pelaksanaan donor ...

daftar dulu yaaa....

ketua mrc nii... kang hadi...
pertama tes tensi duluuu...

habis ntu di tes darah dulu ...
teh endah sakit ya ?? hehhe.. ^_^

terus donor deeeh....
ada kang fariz ketua mrc tahun lalu...

ada juga bapak dosen...terima kasih pak...

 abis itu ambil kartu donor + dapet pita biru atau merah ....

habis ntu dikasi konsumsiii deh....

terakhir foto bareng ....

sebenernya fotonya masi banyak lagi ni.... hehhe ....

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010


cinally ... what is that ???

hehhehe ... hanya aku dan anak2 kosan yang tau ....

seperti apa wujudnya ... ???

ini dia ni yang namanya cinally .... agagagagagag... barang siapa yang macem2 tak bekep sama cinally ... ahahahhaha...

uda jadi boneka kesayangan alin dan temen2 sekosan ...

tantriiii.......pupuuut.......ayu slamet.......vitaaaa....astieee.... awas kowe kabeh cinally nggo dolanan terus ...
edaaaan rupamu cin... lucu tenann....

bau dekilmuuuu..... ga nahaaaaan ... bisa klepek klepek...

sekali bekep...kaing kaing kaing.... ik ik ik ... mati raaa .... : D

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

jalan - jalan

enak ya kalo masi di suci dulu ....

mau kemana2 gampang .... di dakol ....haduuuuuuuuh ...... ke kota yuuuuk ...hahhaa ....

haduuuuh kapan kita kemana teman2 ???
diliatin orang ??? masa bodooo ... mah tiru2 mbak2e .. hahhha ... payah ra kreatip ...
ingiiiiin kembaliii ke kotaaa .... hiaaaah ,,, pengen kampus gede tapi di desa .. apa kampus kecil tapi di kota ?? bukan pilihan !!!!

udaaa yuk ah pulaang ... dimarahin eyang ntar ... woi woi jangan berisikkk,,, malu sama tetangga !!! hhahaha ... :D

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

happy bday my friendship ...

bulan mei... yaph temen2q banyak amat yang ultah ,,pengennya yang nraktir satu2,,
hehhe.. :P tapi gapapa yang penting makan gratis...

aku sama nina bikin kue nih buat mereka...ceilah bikinn,,pesen pesen... hehhe.. :D

ni dia ni kuenyaaa .... moga mereka sukaa ....

wajah2 anak2 yang berulangtahun ...... haduuuuuh ulang taunnya borongan niiiy...

abis solat magrib di sekolah terjadilah perang telur busuk, tepung, air,  hahhaha ...mantap jaya pokoknya...

darii kiriiii .... juquuu ... bathank .... mami ndy .... malem2 digebyuuur ....

foto2 dilanjutkaaaaaaaaaan .......

lanjuuuuuuutttt .....

teruskannn bernarsis riaaa ....

udaaah ahhh capeeek .... awaaas gerbang dikunci bapaknyaa !!! kabuuuur ....

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

spectrum 2010

GAMUS IM TELKOM lagi ngadain rangkaian event SPECTRUM 2010 pada tanggal 3,4,5,6,dan 8 mei 2010 niii... Untuk itu kami mengundang sahabat semuanya agar dapat menjadi bagian dari event ini...

kegiatan kita diantaranya adalah Baksos "SERBU PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA" (Seribu Buku dan Pemberian Beasiswa Pendidikan) ... buat sahabat yang pengen berpartispasi dapat disalurkan melalui stand yang dibuka pada tiap kampus atau dapat disalurkan pada saat KONSER GALANG DANA untuk 1000 buku dan beasiswa pendidikan ...beasiswa akan diserahkan pada acara pucak "Talk Show dan Konser Akbar" tanggal 8 Mei 2010 di INDIGO THEATER,Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir 47, Bandung...Kompleks telkom Learning Center...

ada juga Lomba Fotografi "WAJAH PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA"
pendaftaran dan pengumpulan fotografi diperpanjang sampai 6 Mei 2010..
Pemampangan dan pengumuman Pemenang 8 Mei 2010 di Indigo Theater...

dan satu lagi BAZAR PRODUK HALAL,
3 Mei 2010 di Kampus 2 IM Telkom
4 Mei 2010 di Akmpus 1 IM Telkom
8 Mei di Indigo Theater ....

OK sahabatt ...don't miss it ....

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

fenomena halo

hari selasa tanggal 23 maret kemaren sekitar pukul 10.45 aku ngeliat ada pelangi di sekeliling matahari ...waktu aku liat baru setengahnya ...

aku langsung ngasi tau anak2 kosan, kita ngeliat pe pelangi itu bener2 bulet nglingkerin matahari ...orang nyebutnya itu fenomena 'halo' ..yaitu pelangi yang tampak mengelilingi matahari ...

ternyata fenomena ini cuma bisa kita liat di Bandung ...temen2q yang di Jogja pada ga percaya .... ni aku punya fotonya ... yang laen juga masi banyak ...

pertanda apa niiiiy ??? ada yang ngomong akan ada banjir...tapi gatau lah .... semua ada yang ngatur ...

surat perjanjian jual beli rumah


Pada hari ini, Jum’at tanggal 9 Bulan Agustus tahun 2009, kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :
1. Draco Malfoy, swasta, bertempat tinggal di Jalan Jalaprang No. 11, RT 20 RW 7, Kelurahan Sukaluyu, Kecamatan Cibeunying, Kotamadya Bandung, Propinsi Jawa Barat, dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas namanya sendiri yang selanjutnya akan disebut juga sebagai Pihak Pertama
2. Robbert Pattinson, pengusaha, bertempat tinggal di Jalan Rereng Wulung No.9, RT 9 RW 9, Kelurahan Sukabiru, Kecamatan Citarum, Kotamadya Bandung, Propinsi Jawa Barat, dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas namanya sendiri yang selanjutnya akan disebut juga sebagai Pihak Kedua

Kedua belah pihak dengan ini menerangkan bahwa Pihak Pertama menjual kepada Pihak Kedua berupa bangunan rumah tinggal di atas tanah sewaan Kotamadya Bandung yang luasnya ± 70 m², berdasarkan surat izin bangunan permanen dari walikota Kotamadya Bandung tanggal 20 Agustus 1970 No. 0327/SIB/WK/1970 yang terletak di Jalan Alfa No.19, RT 10 RW 3, Kelurahan Sukamaju, Kecamatan Sukajadi, Kotamadya Bandung, Propinsi Jawa Barat.

Kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk mengikatkan diri dalam perjanjianini dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :

Pasal 1 Perpindahan Kepemilikan
1. Perjanjian jual beli ini berlaku lima hari setelah ditandatanganinya perjanjian ini dan akan berakhir setelah rumah berpindah status kepemilikannya kepada pihak kedua.
2. Proses perpindahan kepemilikan rumah akan diurus oleh pihak kedua berikut tanggungan yang timbul dan pihak pertama hanya akan membantu kelancaran kepengurusan saja.
3. Perpindahan kepemilikan hanya akan diproses setelah semua kewajiban pihak kedua dipenuhi.

Pasal 2 Nilai Jual Bangunan dan Tanah
1. Rumah dijual seharga Rp 7.500.000,00
2. Uang muka penjualan rumah adalah sebesar 5% yang harus sudah dibayar oleh Pihak Kedua secara tunai oleh Pihak Pertama pada saat ditandatanganinya perjanjian ini.
3. Sisanya akan dibayar dalam 3 kali angsuran bulanan.
4. Pembayaran dianggap lunas bila pembayaran sudah mencapai nilai jual yang telah disepakati.

Pasal 3 Keterlambatan Bayar
1. Tiap keterlambatan dikenakan denda sebesar 5% dari jumlah yang seharusnya dibayarkan setiap bulan keterlambatan.
2. Penyerahan rumah dalam keadaan kosong dalam jangka waktu 2 bulan setelah penandatanganan perjanjian dengan sanksi denda untuk setiap hari keterlambatan sebesar Rp 15.000,00.

Pasal 4 Kewajiban-Kewajiban Lain
1. Pihak Pertama wajib membayar iuran Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan sampai proses pemindahan kepemilikan selesai.
2. Pihak Kedua wajib membayar iuran listrik rumah dan iuran warga setempat.
3. Pihak Kedua tidak diperkenankan untuk mengubah fungsi serta peruntukkan sebagai rumah tinggal sampai pembayaran dianggap lunas.

Pasal 5 Lain-lain
1. Pihak Kedua atas tanggungan sendiri dapat melakukan perubahan pada rumah yang tidak akan mengubah konstruksi dan NJOP dan tambahan tersebut harus merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan menjadi milik Pihak Pertama.
2. Perubahan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir (1) harus dengan ijin tertulis dari Pihak Pertama.
3. Pihak Pertama menjamin Pihak Kedua bahwa selama masa perjanjian ini berlaku, Pihak Kedua tidak akan mendapatkan tuntutan dan atau gugatan dari pihak lain yang menyatakan mempunyai hak atas tanah dan rumah tersebut.
4. Pihak kedua akan mendapatkan hak kepemilikan secara penuh apabila pembayaran telah dinyatakan lunas.
5. Segala kerusakan kecil maupun besar dari rumah tersebut menjadi tanggungan sepenuhnya dari Pihak Kedua tanpa kecuali.
6. Segala ketentuan yang belum diatur dalam perjanjian ini akan diatur selanjutnya dalam addendum/amandemen yang merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari perjanjian ini dan akan diputuskan secara bersama.
7. Apabila terjadi sengketa atas isi dan pelaksanaan perjanjian ini, kedua belah pihak akan menyelesaikannya secara musyawarah.
8. Apabila penyelesaian secara musyawarah tidak berhasil, maka kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk memilih domisili hukum dan tetap di kantor Kepaniteraan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara.
Demikian perjanjian ini disetujui dan dibuat serta ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak dengan dihadiri saksi-saksi yang dikenal oleh kedua belah pihak.
Semoga ikatan perjanjian ini membawa berkah bagi semua pihak.

Pihak Pertama, Pihak Kedua,

Draco Malfoy RobbertPattinson


Saksi Pihak Pertama, Saksi Pihak Kedua,

Emma Watson Daniel Jacob Alan Radcliffe

Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

COHEREN (General English Page 94)

(1)The Golden Gate Bridge separates San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. (2) She went to Japan Center, where the buildings and restaurants looked familiar. (3) But San Francisco did not look anything like New York. (4) It crosses from San Francisco to Oakland. (5) Many homes have views of the bay and ocean. (6) Here she was able to talk with people in her native language. (7) She expected to find the tall skyscrapers she had seen on postcards of New York. (8) The Bay Bridge is majestic. (9) Miyoko’s first stop on her flight from Tokyo to the United States was San Francisco. (10) Miyoko especially liked the two bridges that cross San Francisco Bay. (11) From them she learned that San Francisco is a most hospitable city for people from the Orient. (12) After seeing the many hills and bridges, Miyoko was surprised to learn that San Francisco has a very large Japanese population. (13) Even more beautiful is the Golden Gate Bridge, stretching from San Francisco to Marin Country. (14) For one thing, it is all built on hill.


1. (9)
2. (7)
3. (3)
4. (14)
5. (5)
6. (10)
7. (8)
8. (4)
9. (13)
10. (1)
11. (12)
12. (2)
13. (6)
14. (11)

Miyoko’s first stop on her flight from Tokyo to the United States was San Francisco. She expected to find the tall skyscrapers she had seen on postcards of New York. But San Francisco did not look anything like New York. For one thing, it is all built on hill. Many homes have views of the bay and ocean. Miyoko especially liked the two bridges that cross San Francisco Bay. The Bay Bridge is majestic. It crosses from San Francisco to Oakland. Even more beautiful is the Golden Gate Bridge, stretching from San Francisco to Marin Country. The Golden Gate Bridge separates San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. After seeing the many hills and bridges, Miyoko was surprised to learn that San Francisco has a very large Japanese population. She went to Japan Center, where the buildings and restaurants looked familiar. Here she was able to talk with people in her native language. From them she learned that San Francisco is a most hospitable city for people from the Orient.

AIDA concept

The AIDA model is more a model for effective selling rather than purchasing, although selling and purchasing can be considered as just two facet of the same selling process. The Name AIDA has been formed by first letter of four words that represent sequential steps in an effective selling process. These are Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.

As per AIDA model, a salesperson can achieve most effective results by following the four sequential steps while interacting with a prospective customer.

1. Attract attention: In this step the sales person only attracts the customers attention so that the customer will agree to continue the meeting with sales person and pay attention to what is being said.
2. Create interest: In this the step the salesperson provides information about the product that arouses the customer's interest. This means that customer is interested to know more about the product, but is not really thinking of buying it.
3. Kindle Desire: Here the salesperson links the product and its features to the needs and wants of the customer. This results in customer perceiving the product as a means of satisfying his needs and wants, and doing this better than other competing products.
4. Take action: Just because the customer is convinced about utility of a product and desires to buy it does not mean that he or she will actually decide to buy it immediately. The salesperson must further lead the prospect to place the order. This is also called the process of closing the sale



Alin Latifah Fauzi has been employed by this College as Head of Business Studies from August 2012 to 22 September 2015.

As well as capably handling the responsibilities for the overall administration of his department Alin Latifah Fauzi ably taught Economics, Commerce and Management Appreciation to students of a wide range of ability and age groups on courses leading to Advance LCCI examinations.

Alin Latifah Fauzi is a highly competent and professional Staff whose team preparation is always thorough and meticulous. Her committed approach to handle is matched by her administrative abilities. She has made a substantial contribution to course planning, student counseling curriculum development and program marketing.

Alin Latifah Fauzi possesses an outgoing personality and she mixes well. She makes his full contribution to a team and is popular with other staff in this company.

In view of her dedication and ability I am confident that Alin Latifah Fauzi will prove to be a valuable asset to any organization fortunate enough to employ her. It is with pleasure that I recommend her highly and without hesitation.

HRD Manager,

Ruppert Grint

Ruppert Grint

22 sentences

1. Ana writes a letter every day.
2. Budi has eaten a cake for two days.
3. Whatever you say, doesn’t care me.
4. She is dancing now but she will take a rest soon.
5. A cake is being eaten now.
6. My mother was watching a cinema yesterday.
7. I am singing again in a few moments.
8. They weren’t talking about you when I met them.
9. All the foods have been eaten.
10. She has typed the letter last Sunday.
11. We have finished our homework this morning.
12. We shall go to cinema tomorrow.
13. I should come if you invited me.
14. Ita will visit my grandmother next holiday.
15. You would buy a computer in the previous day.
16. I can repair my mobile phone.
17. She couldn’t go to market yesterday.
18. May I borrow your pen ?
19. You must do your homework.
20. He might have forgotten where you live.
21. I ought to study tonight.
22. I used to see her every Sunday.

Grammar page 69

1. So many people is/are waiting outside.
2. The office next door was/were closed all day yesterday.
3. The print on the labels is/are so small.
4. The Carpet has/have so many stains on it that it needs/need to be replaced.
5. The Trade Union members meeting is/are downstairs in the Conference Room.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor has/have moved in next door to us
7. Two cars and coach was/were involved in the motorway accident
8. His Application form for the new job, which was/were posted yesterday, has/have gone missing
9. My neighbour play /plays his music so loud that the walls almost vibrate/vibrates.
10. Ricardo do/does not care whether Unnited or City is/are winning.
11. The bouquet of flowers has/have just arrived.
12. He makes/make use of the computer now, and even writes/write reports for the manager with it.
Answer :
1. Are
2. Was
3. Are
4. Have, need
5. Are
6. Have
7. Was
8. Was, has
9. Play, vibrates
10. Does, is
11. Has
12. Makes, writes


Survey Question Read Recite Relate Review

SQ4R method improves both comprehension and grades.
Before you read,
the chapter
The title, headings, and subheadings.•
Captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps.•
Review questions or teacher-made study guides.•
Introductory and concluding paragraphs.•
Try to get an overview of what lies ahead.•

while you are surveying
Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings into questions.•
Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each subheading.•
Ask yourself, "What did my instructor say about this chapter or subject when it was assigned?"•
Ask yourself, "What do I already know about this subject?"•
Example, the heading "Stages of Sleep" might lead you to ask: "Is• there more than one stage of sleep?" What are they and how do they differ?" Asking questions helps you read with a purpose.
Note: If it is helpful to you, write out these questions for consideration. This variation is called SQW4R

When you begin to
Look for answers to the questions you first raised.•
Answer questions at the beginning or end of chapters or study guides.•
Reread captions under pictures, graphs, etc.•
Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed words or phrases.•
Study graphic aids.•
Reduce your speed for difficult passages.•
Stop and reread parts which are not clear.•
Read only a section at a time and recite after each section.•

after you've read a section:
Orally ask yourself questions about what you have just read and/or summarize, in your own words, what you read.•
Take notes from the text but write the information in your own words.•
Underline/highlight important points you've just read.•
Use the method of recitation which best suits your particular learning style.•
Remember to look for answers as you read and to recite or take notes before moving on.•
Recite key terms and concepts.•

It is easier to remember ideas that are personally meaningful.•
When you study a chapter, try to link new facts, terms, and concepts with information you already know.•

an ongoing process.
When you’re done reading, skim back over the chapter, or read your• notes. Then check your memory by reciting and quizzing yourself again.
Make frequent review a key part of your study habits.•


Institut Manajemen Telkom
47 Geger Halong Hilir Road
Bandung, West Java
Indonesia, 40132

December 7th 2009

John Makinson, Chairman and Chief Executive
Academic Marketing Department
375 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014-3657


Dear Mr. Makinson,

Along with this letter we request the help of the procurement of books we about with the administrative department Commerce.

For information, IM Telkom Bandung has stood since 1990 and has managed to create a graduate of the ICT-based businessman. In 2007 IM Telkom has a World Class University.

To support the learning process, we apply for assistance related to:
1. Business Management
2. Commerce Organization Order
3. Economics
4. English for Business

So this petition we submitted, and for helping us give thanks.


Rector Secretary,

Alin Latifah Fauzi

Alin Latifah Fauzi

Curriculum Vitae

Data Pribadi

N a m a : Alin Latifah Fauzi, S.MB.
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Kulon Progo, 9 Agustus 1991
Kebangsaan : Indonesia
A g a m a : Islam
Status Pernikahan : Belum Menikah
Tinggi , berat : 160 cm, 45 kg
A l a m a t : Jalan Kaliurang 9, Yogyakarta 55651
KTP : 3401014908910001
Telepon Genggam : 085747007342
Email : alin.latifahfauzi@gmail.com

Riwayat Pendidikan

9 Agustus 2012 Sarjana Administrasi Niaga di INSTITUT MANAJEMEN TELKOM BANDUNG
2006 - 2009 Sekolah Menengah Atas di SMA N 2 WATES
2003 - 2006 Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Pertama di SMP N 1 WATES
1998 - 2003 Sekolah Dasar di SD N PERCOBAAN 4 WATES

Pengalaman Organisasi

2013 – sekarang, Bendahara 1, HMI ( Himpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia)
2010 – 2011, Bendahara 1, Medical Rescue Committee IM Telkom
2010 – 2011, Ketua Umum, GAMUS IM Telkom
2010 – 2011, Ketua 1, PANDAWA IM Telkom
2009 – 2010, Anggota, Medical Rescue Committee IM Telkom
2009 – 2010, Anggota, GAMUS IM Telkom
2009 – 2010, Anggota, PANDAWA IM Telkom
2006 – 2009, Anggota, INKAI(Institut Karatedo Indonesia)
2006 – 2009, Bendahara 1, IKATAN PEMUDA BAKTI YOGYAKARTA
2006 – 2008, Anggota, PASKIBRA SMA N 2 WATES

Pengalaman Pekerjaan

2013 – 2015, Asisten Dosen, UNIVERSITAS GAJAH MADA
2012 – 2013, Akuntan, PT. RIZKY FINANCE
2009 – 2012, Distributor, PULSA ELEKTRONIK
2006 – 2009, Direktur, AKSESORIS WANITA

Bandung, 9 Desember 2015

Alin Latifah Fauzi


Name : Alin Latifah Fauzi, S.MB.
Address : 9 Kaliurang Street, Yogyakarta 55651
Mobile : 085747007342

I. Objectives

Accountancy or accounting is the art of communicating financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers. The communication is generally in the form of financial statements that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management.

II. Work Experience

2013 – present Lecturer Assistant GAJAH MADA OF UNIVERSITY
2012 – 2013 Accountant PT. RIZKY FINANCE
2009 – 2012 Distributor ELECTRONIC PULSE
2006 – 2009 Director WOMEN ACCESSORIES

III. Educational Background

August 9th 2012 Business of Administration INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT TELKOM BANDUNG
2006 – 2009 High School SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF 2 WATES
2003 – 2006 Junior High School JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF 1 WATES
1998 – 2003 Elementary School ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OF 4 PERCOBAAN WATES

Bandung, December 9th 2015

Alin Latifah Fauzi

Application Letter

9 Kaliurang Street

December 9th 2015

Mr. Robert Pattinson
Resources Manager
PT. Gilang Persada Bumi
45 Cendrawasih Street
Jakarta Pusat

Dear Mr Pattinson,


I wish to apply for the position of Accounting Staff that was advertised on Tempo, dated December 6th , 2015.

I am 24 years old female, graduated from Institut Management Telkom Bandung. I have one - year experience as an Accountant with PT. Rizky Finance and have experience of a wide variety of pattern techniques. My computer skill is very good, and I have an excellent record as a reliable, productive employee.

I am looking for new challenges and the posistion of Accounting Staff. Your organization has a famous record innovation in investor financial consultant, and an excellent reputation as an employer, making the position even more attractive.

I enclose my CV for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview at your convenience. Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Alin Latifah Fauzi

Alin Latifah Fauzi

Tugas B.Inggris


1. What do all companies do in making money?
Answer : To make money they must first spend money.

2. What should be the chief source of funding?
Answer : Revenues from sales of the firm’s products should be the chief source funding.

3. What is a financial manager?
Answer : A financial manager is the one who keep track of how money is flowing into and out the firm.

4. What does a financial manager do?
Answer : They are the ones who decide how the available funds will be used, how much money is needed, and where to get it.

5. What is financial mangement?
Answer : Financial manager is the art and science of managing a firm’s money .

6. What is the main function of accountants?
Answer : The function is to collect and present financial data.

7. What is the basic of financial decision?
Answer : financial statement prepared by accountant

8. What is a financial manager job?
Answer : They analyze financial data prepared by accountants, prepare and implement financial plans.

9. What are the jobs of CFO?
Answer : The jobs of CFO is coordinate information from such areas as marketing and production to develop and carry out financial strategies.

10. Who perform financial functions in a small firm?
Answer : In a small firm, financial functions perform by either the accounting departement or one or two people.

11. What are the key activities of financial managers?
Answer : The key activities of financial managers are financial planning, insvestment, and financing.

12. What are budgets?
Answer :Budgets are a way to control expenses and compare the actual performance to the forecast.

paragraph individu

Malioboro Street

Malioboro Street is a major shopping street in the Yogyakarta. The name is also used more generally for the neighborhood around the street. There are so many kind of the souvenir. Like batik clothes, batik slipper, batik shoes, bracelet, necklace, etc. Price of the souvenir is not expensive. We can bargain for the souvenir. The Street is the centre of Yogyakarta’s largest tourist district. Many hotels and restaurants are located nearby. Sidewalk on both sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening, several open-air streetside restaurants, called lesehan, operate along the street.

Topic Sentence :
Malioboro Street is a major shopping street in the Yogyakarta.

Supporting Sentences:
SS 1 : There are so many kind of the souvenir.
SS 1.1 : Like batik clothes, batik slipper, batik shoes, bracelet, necklace, etc.
SS 1.2 : Price of the souvenir is not expensive.
SS 1.3 : We can bargain for the souvenir.
SS 2 : The Street is the centre of Yogyakarta’s largest tourist district.
SS 2.1 : Many hotels and restaurants are located nearby.
SS 2.2 : Sidewalk on both sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods.
SS 2.3 : In the evening, several open-air streetside restaurants, called lesehan, operate along the street.


1. Driving in Tokyo requires of steel.
2. Driving in Tokyo requires an aggressive attitude.

Driving in Tokyo requires bold. Driving in Tokyo requires nerves of steel. In Tokyo, driving needs high patient. Because the traffic is so crowded. There are so many cars and people on the road. We have to be more aggressive attitude above all incident on the road. For example, emergency brake. There are many traffic accidents caused by unaggressively people when driving.

Topic Sentence:
Driving in Tokyo requires bold.

Supporting Sentences 1:
Driving in Tokyo requires nerves of steel. In Tokyo, driving needs high patient. Because the traffic is so crowded. There are so many cars and people on the road.

Supporting Sentences 2:
We have to be more aggressive attitude above all incident on the road. For example, emergency brake. There are many traffic caused by unaggressively people when driving.

Alin Latifah Fauzi

Specific to General page 116

Put number 1 above the most specific word. Put number 2 the less specific word. And put number 3 above the most general word.

1. Music, rock music, twentieth-century music
2. Japanese mountain, mount fuji, mountain
3. Problems, water pollution problems, pollution problems
4. Pine tree, evergreen tree, tree
5. Musicians, Michael Jackson, popular musician
6. Nicaragua, country, central American country
7. Man, Dr. Diamond, dentist
8. Place, boston, city
9. The New York Times, newspaper, reading material
10. Group, diamond family, people
11. Storm, tornado, wind storm
12. President, person, political leader
13. Shirt, white shirt, clothing
14. Flute, musical instrument, wind instrument 1
15. Company, IBM corporation, Organization


1. 1.Rock music, 2. twentieth-century music, 3. music
2. 1. Mount Fuji, 2. Japanese mountain, 3. Mountain
3. 1. Water pollution, 2. Pollution problems, 3. Problems
4. 1.pine tree, 2. Evergreen tree, 3. Tree
5. 1. Michael Jackson, 2. Popular musician, 3. Musician
6. 1. Nicaragua, 2. Central American country, 3. Country
7. 1. Dr. Diamond, 2. Dentist, 3. Man
8. 1. Boston, 2. city, 3. Place
9. 1. The New York Times, 2. Reading material, 3. Newspaper
10. 1. Diamond family, 2. Group, 3. People
11. 1. Tornado, 2. Wind storm, 3. Storm
12. 1. President, 2. Political leader, 3. Person
13. 1. White shirt, 2. Shirt, 3. Clothing
14. 1. Flute, 2. Wind instrument, 3. Musical instrument
15. 1. IBM corporationration, 2. Organization, 3. Company